


LETICIA is an open-source and customizable web platform for interactive information retrieval (IIR) studies. Its main purpose is to serve as a base for user study design and implementation in IIR, with little to no coding requirements to create a study.

LETICIA is built as an effort to ease study creation for IIR researchers and offer a state of the art platform to be applied both in local and remote environments. LETICIA can be used as-is from its already developed modules, or as a starting point for developing custom modules and functionalities.

Main Features

Install Instructions

To use LETICIA, you need to clone (or download as ZIP) the source code from LETICIA’s GitHub Repository. Up-to-date instructions for deploy (either on development or production mode) are available on the README.md file. Source code is available on src/ directory. Full documentation can be found on the docs/ directory.

© 2023 Daniel Gacitúa   •  Powered by Soopr   •  Theme  Moonwalk